ViRe Methods Workshop
USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Via G. Buffi 13, 6900 Lugano, Main Building, Room 402
ViRe Members, USI
Katharina Lobinger – Project leader
Federico Lucchesi – Ph.D. student
Seraina Tarnutzer – Research assistant
Petra Mazzoni – Research assistant
Federica Serrao – Student assistant
Luca Calderara – Student assistant
Rebecca Venema – Associate project member
Cornelia Brantner (University of Augsburg)
Roswitha Breckner (University of Wien)
Andreas Hepp (University of Bremen)
Christine Linke (University of Rostock)
Description of the Workshop
The first workshop of the project ViRe – Visualized Relationships will take place on Friday, February 22, 2019 at USI – Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano, main building, room 402 (4thfloor).
The aim of the workshop will be to discuss and further develop the methodological design of the project with the help of the project partners. Generally, the workshop will have a very open and informal structure.
The workshop will start with a presentation of the ViRe project, its methodological design and the challenges it involves. Afterwards, each guest speaker will be invited to talk about their experiences in their field of expertise. These talks will be quite short (around 15 minutes) and can be informal (the use of a PowerPoint presentation is possible but not required). After the presentations, substantial time will be dedicated to a common discussion of the methodological design and instruments of ViRe.
On February 21, 2019 a Get-together will provide the opportunity of meeting the ViRe team and the other project partners. On February 22, the workshop will start at 9:30 and will end at 18:00. At 12:45 there will be lunch break at USI, and for those guests staying overnight, there will be also a common dinner around 20:00 in the city center of Lugano.
Workshop Overview
Get together 21.02.2019
From 18:00 at Ciani Restaurant
Piazza Indipendenza 4, 6900 Lugano
Workshop 22.02.2019
09:30 – 18:00